Residential Brick

Residential Brick
Available in a wide selection of shapes, colors and textures, Dominion always has a range of residential bricks in stock to suit your tastes and needs. Are you looking for a wholesale brick supplier then try Dominion Block. By offering wind protection, moisture control and energy efficiency, brick is the perfect way to build a beautiful home that will last a lifetime.
White, Cream, Tan

Grey, Brown, Earthtones

Red, Orange, Pastel

Cape Charles

Cape Charles

Chesapeake Pearl

Chesapeake Pearl

French Manor

French Manor

Oyster Pearl

Oyster Pearl

Villa Chase

Villa Chase

Bradford Hall Tudor



Nottingham Tudor

Nottingham Tudor


Block Cleaning And Maintenance Accessories

We Make it Easy!
Reaching the right Dominion representative to assist you with your block, brick, or hardscape needs is easy. Visit our contact us page and our team is just a phone call or click away.